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PURIGENE [Classic/Gold] 750ml

RM 95.00
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A traditional recipe of blended ginger, garlic, lemon with apple cider vinegar & honey.
Ramuan tradisional dengan campuran halia, bawang putih, lemon dengan cuka epal sider & madu

A herbal tonic health solution drink suitable for everyone, especially those who are concerned about cholesterol, state of blood vessels and general health sense.

-Reduce Uric Acid
-Reduce Arthritis
-Reduce Sugar Level
-Reduce Numbness
-Reduce Cholesterol Level
-Reduce High Blood Pressure
-Prevention of Cardiovascular Blockage
-Prevent the Risk of Heart Attack or Stroke

Shake well before consuming.
Consume 1-2 Table Spoon(s) or 30ml in the morning before meal. Add water, additional honey or lemon, if desired.
Individuals with a history of gastric related problems are advised to consume after meal.

Cadangan Hidangan:
- Goncang sebelum minum
- Minum 1 2 sudu atau 30ml pada waktu pagi sebelum sarapan, jika dikehendaki, boleh tambah air, madu atau lemon
- Minum selepas makan jika pernah mengalami masalah gastrik

#Purigene #purigeneclassic #reducebloodpressure #protectheart
